Archive of ‘Exhibition’ category

Exhibition Talk #2

Our exhibition has been going very well and we were a bit behind but now the whole Year 5 has caught up! Personally, I am a bit stressed because exhibition is coming soon but I know that I have done enough research to have a good conversation with the audience. We are up to the “making conclusions” stage which is just where we finalise what is going to be displayed on the night. I have thought about the Taking Action and what I will do. It is the stage after Making Conclusions. I am planning to make a persuasive text to our principal about making a “plant a tree day” because we are cutting trees and that is a part of the problem for climate change AND… if that works, I will hopefully be able to say a speech with one of my friends in the climate change group at assembly. Make sure to stay tuned because I am going to have another reflection soon!

Exhibition talk! #1

In Year 5, we have been using lots of our time on Exhibition. We finished the first stage a few days ago and it was the ‘Tuning in’ stage. In that stage we  figured out our global issue, found out our group (people that have similar global issues), we started mentor meetings as well, that meant we went with our group to a staff member and talked about our progress and they gave feedback. We also had team meetings which were just our group talking about goals and what we’ve done already. We made our central idea and our lines of inquiry. But before our lines of inquiry, we had to make questions about our issue. That part was fun for me. Then we got a Lotus diagram and we had to put the questions into a category, which was… key concepts! Then we got three key concepts, (the one where most questions fitted in) and made three lines of inquiry, one for each concept.   The second stage (which we are doing now) is called the researching stage. It’s pretty obvious what we are supposed to do! We have to research our questions from our Lotus diagrams. I have researched about 8 of my questions and i have 1 left. Stay tuned in to find out more information about Year 5 Exhibition at Yasmin’s blog!